
Frigid Winter

Frigid Winter performing “I Am the Bloodhound” live at their rehearsal space.


Jumalvauhti performing “Lomalla viimeinkin”, “Antiautoritäärinen jannu” and “Heitä neljä” live at their rehearsal space.

HT tapes

HT tapes performing “Everything Is Everywhere” live at their rehearsal space.

Hero Dishonest

Hero Dishonest performing “Kohdusta hautaan”, “Flat Society A.D.” and “Hyvä meissä” live at their rehearsal space.


Törmäilyautot performing “Ääniaallonmurtaja – Soundwellenbrecher” live at their rehearsal space.

Lentävä sirkkeli

Lentävä sirkkeli performing “Vaeltava käsi” live at their rehearsal space.

Mustat kalsarit

Mustat kalsarit performing “Harmaata massaa” live at their rehearsal space.

Azis Funck

Azis Funck performing “Spiderwebs in the Sun” live at his rehearsal space.

Kiss Disease

Kiss Disease performing “Grown-Up Fucks” live at their rehearsal space.


Goo-Hags performing “Waiting by the Phone” live at their rehearsal space.


Ahva performing “Fortune Cookie” live at their rehearsal space.

The Goldmine launched!

The Goldmine launched with videos of MÖYHY-VEIKOT, Olimpia Splendid and Ilpo Numminen.